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Showing posts from 2015

Ireland part 2

After our busy day of travel, we finally checked into our cute little hotel. Very friendly staff and very helpful. The next morning we were up early to catch a train to cork. We used Viator to book our three days trip. I highly recommend using this site for all of your travel tours.  Saw lots of the most beautiful country side. When out of the city there is lot of green. Can differently see why it's called the Emerald Isle. One of the stops along the way was the  Cliffs of Moher . Amazing work by Mother Earth. These cliffs are 700 ft above the Atlantic Ocean.    I love this picture of my feet hanging off the cliff, was  kinda a rush. Wind was lightly blowing + salty smell in the air + watching the waves hit the rocks below = Peacefulness We stopped in Cobh was once known as Cove also known as Queenstown. Why is this important you might be wondering. This was the last port of call for the Titanic before she left on her maiden voyage. In the movie

First stop Ireland

First stop Ireland I will say before you fly out of the country mental prepare yourself for a very long day. After getting to the airport, flights, layovers, more flights, more layovers, customs, bus ride to hotel,  we finally made it. 20 plus hours of travel can be rough. Especially when things don't go as smoothly as one would hope. Heathrow airport in London is a  rough one. WE FINALLY MADE IT!!! First stop on our list was the Storehouse Brewery in Dublin. Suitcases and all. The Storehouse is where Guinness is brewed.       ( The beer of Ireland)  We had prepaid tickets  for 5pm and didn't think we had time to check into the hotel. Purchase your tickets online, it will help you save a some money and time. The Storehouse customer service was awesome. Since we already had tickets we didn't have to wait in line and they offered to hold on to our suitcases till we were done. This place was huge, 4 stories of information, start to finish of the

Oh the places we shall see

As you are reading this we will be getting on a plane to start this adventure.  When you make your travel plans there are a couple of good sites to use. I had used  Sky Scanner . It was very easy to use. Found some really great deals. Our flights were booked as one way's. This was because we will be going to many differnet places. We will be starting out in Ireland, then to Scotland, off to Germany and many more places. I really have know idea where I will be at the end of this trip. Expedia was used for hotels and booking hostels.  Viator  was used for booking tours. There are other sites to use, but these really worked well for me. Cost of things that have been booked so far Flight from Sacramento, California to Dublin, Ireland one way $715 One night in a hotel $48.63  After a long flight a good shower and a bed is a must Guinness tour - We have to see where its made,  HAPPY BIRTHDAY KRISTA 3 Day tour  around west side of Ireland including accommodat

Small items to pack.

Wow, I can't believe it but only two more weeks till I get to go on an amazing adventure. Going with one of my Besties, looking forward to meeting new people, traveling more of the world and just the experience of life.  Here, are a few more items that I feel was a must have for international traveling. There are items that aren't pictured or listed that will be needed too. Depending on if you are staying at a hotel or a hostel. If you staying at a hostel the list will be longer. Including a personal lock for the lockers that they have,  shower shoes, a towel to to name a few.  I had bought an international wall charger from REI for $30. I had found one for $10 at TJ Max. So I will be returning that one and going with the one from TJ's. Hopeful it is just as good.  I've heard that compression socks are a must. There are many online. They go up to $30. I found a pair at TJ Max for $4.99, of course they are not fancy by any means, just a simple black. I th

Oh the gear I think I need/ suitcase

I have been shopping and shopping for the perfect stuff to use in Europe. First I need a suitcase. I have a few cute ones, but no ordinary suitcase will do. Now you might be wondering why. There will be some backpacking happening. And I don't want to have to carry a duffel bag and putting to much stress on one single shoulder. There will be some areas that rolling a suitcase won't be possible. I have been searching the web and the stores, for a mix bag of backpack/ duffel/ suitcase with wheels. Turns out there are a few to chose from. They are know as hybrid bags. Also not planning on checking in any bags at the airport, carry-on only. Here are two that I had bought. At REI there is a few selections to chose from. There is Ospery and Eagle creek. I also found one at Ross (surprised, me too). Depending on the brand really makes a difference in the prices. I did mention before that I was going to go as cheap as possible.  With the Ospery and Ea

Europe here I come

EUROPE HERE I COME!!!  I'm super excited for this trip and even more excited that i will be going with one of my BESTIES.  (Everyone needs to have amazing BESTIES like I do) Krista's brother is in the Air Force and just moved to Germany. The perfect opportunity to see him and see the that part of the world. Krista and I have talked about going there for a trip. The places that we would want to see and do.  Sooooo, randomly one day Krista text me  "Guess who's going to Germany with me". I replied "Pam (her wife)" Krista "Nope" Me "Your mom"  Krista "Nope" To my surprise Pam has to work, her mom is going next year and its ME. I am the lucky one. Since I found out that I was invited I started what any sane person would do. Start making a list of things to do while we are there. We are both making a list of we feel we must see. I started doing research on flights, passport renewing, transportation while we are ther

Lady Brigade (A Female Vet)

Being an active duty Coastie and my mother being an Army vet (WAAC), makes me love seeing veteran's starting businesses. This young lady is an Army vet who is creating clothing and other items for Female Veterans Lady Brigade   has some unique items.  Lady Brigade is running a GoFundMe campaign. Read her story here . If you have a few bucks to spare and love to help out veterans this is a good opportunity . 

Mother's Day giveaway!!

Mother's Day giveaway!!!  (handmade soap, a pocket mirror and a special note)    There are 9 ways to enter to win, Follow @CoastieCreation on Instagram,  Coastie Creation on FB,   Mama's Girl Market on FB, follow Mama's Girl Market blog and leave a comment at any of the above.                               What makes your mom so special?                                                            Ends May 3 8pm pacific

Island Engraving by Warren

I am excited to share with you my friend Warren Grimes. He has currently started a kickstarter to raising money to start his own small business. You can read all about it here . These are a few examples of what he can created. You can follow him on instagram @Islandengraving

Monterey Fun

My friend Skyler was leaving for a Coast Guard trade school. She is going to go for MST, that is a marina science technician. We thought we should go on one more trip before she left. So we  headed off to one of our favorite places MONTEREY. While we were there we thought it would be fun to go diving. SOOO we did what any mermaid would do but go to the local dive shop, rent some gear and went diving.  The weather was a perfect 80 degrees. The water temperature was a freezing 50 degrees.  (Just a little cold) Here are a few pictures of the dive. This was a large Sea Hare Slug. He was close to a foot long  (Fun fact they can grow up to 16in long) I have not seen so many sand dollars in one place.  It was a really neat thing to see. That little white speck is an octopus (Just a baby) That's me That's Skyler We also went  looking for Mermaid Tears (sea glass, found a good amount) and did some shopping. Mermaids chllin