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Showing posts from August, 2015

Small items to pack.

Wow, I can't believe it but only two more weeks till I get to go on an amazing adventure. Going with one of my Besties, looking forward to meeting new people, traveling more of the world and just the experience of life.  Here, are a few more items that I feel was a must have for international traveling. There are items that aren't pictured or listed that will be needed too. Depending on if you are staying at a hotel or a hostel. If you staying at a hostel the list will be longer. Including a personal lock for the lockers that they have,  shower shoes, a towel to to name a few.  I had bought an international wall charger from REI for $30. I had found one for $10 at TJ Max. So I will be returning that one and going with the one from TJ's. Hopeful it is just as good.  I've heard that compression socks are a must. There are many online. They go up to $30. I found a pair at TJ Max for $4.99, of course they are not fancy by any means, just a simple black. I th

Oh the gear I think I need/ suitcase

I have been shopping and shopping for the perfect stuff to use in Europe. First I need a suitcase. I have a few cute ones, but no ordinary suitcase will do. Now you might be wondering why. There will be some backpacking happening. And I don't want to have to carry a duffel bag and putting to much stress on one single shoulder. There will be some areas that rolling a suitcase won't be possible. I have been searching the web and the stores, for a mix bag of backpack/ duffel/ suitcase with wheels. Turns out there are a few to chose from. They are know as hybrid bags. Also not planning on checking in any bags at the airport, carry-on only. Here are two that I had bought. At REI there is a few selections to chose from. There is Ospery and Eagle creek. I also found one at Ross (surprised, me too). Depending on the brand really makes a difference in the prices. I did mention before that I was going to go as cheap as possible.  With the Ospery and Ea